How to Make 2021 Your Healthiest Year Yet!

Happy New Year!  After a year filled with many challenges, I am sure you are all ready for a fresh start!  Maybe you are the type of person who made a New Year’s resolution.  Did you know that only 8 percent of us actually succeed in keeping our resolutions?  This year, don’t just resolve-make a promise to yourself or someone else.  What is the difference between a resolution and a promise?

A resolution is simply the mindset that you are determined to do something, but a promise is a commitment and an oath to achieving your goals.

We want to help you make a promise to make 2021 as happy and healthy as possible by providing “promise cards” from Because I Said I Would, a movement dedicated to the betterment of humanity. 

Need suggestions on what to promise yourself?  Here are some ideas:

1.      Eat More Whole Foods

One of the easiest and most sustainable ways to improve overall health is to eat more whole foods.

Whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fish, contain lots of the nutrients that your body needs to function at an optimal level.

Research shows that following a whole-foods-based diet may significantly reduce heart disease risk factors, body weight, and blood sugar levels, as well as decrease your risk of certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.

Adding more whole foods to your diet can be done slowly and consistently.  For example, if you’re not used to eating vegetables, start by adding one serving of your favorite veggie to your diet every day.

2.      Sit Less and Move More

Whether it’s due to having a sedentary job or simply being inactive, many people sit more than they should.  Sitting too much can have negative effect on health.  In fact, it may be linked to an increased risk of overall mortality.

 Making a promise to sit less is an easy and attainable lifestyle change.  For example, if you have a desk job that requires long periods of sitting, make a resolution to go for a 15-minute walk at lunch or get up and walk for 5 minutes every hour.


3.     Get More Quality Sleep

Sleep is an essential part of overall health, and sleep deprivation can lead to serious consequences.  For instance, lack of sleep may increase your risk of weight gain, heart disease, and depression.

There are many reasons why people don’t get enough sleep, so it’s important to focus on your schedule and lifestyle to determine the best ways to improve sleep quantity and quality.

Decreasing screen time before bed, reducing light pollution in your bedroom, cutting back on caffeine, and getting to bed at a reasonable hour are some simple ways to improve sleep hygiene.

4.     Take More ‘Me Time’ and Practice Self-Care

Taking time for yourself is not selfish.  In fact, it’s imperative for optimal health and well-being.  This is especially true for those in caretaker roles, such as parents and healthcare workers.

For people with busy schedules and limited time, making a promise to engage in self-care may take some planning.  However, it’s well worth the time investment.

Self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate or time consuming.  It can simply mean taking a bath every week, preparing a healthy meal, going for a walk in nature, or getting an extra hour of sleep.

5.     Take Care of Your Teeth

Maintaining your oral health is a promise that can and should be sustained for life!  Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly can help prevent oral conditions like gum disease and bad breath.

 Research also suggests that gum disease may be associated with serious health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease, making oral health all the more important.

 In addition to regular brushing and flossing, visiting the dentist for a checkup and cleaning is the best way to maintain good health.  We are always accepting new patients and would love to meet your family and friends here at Loveland Family Dentistry!


What are you promising to do this year?  Let us know in the comments below or stop by our office to pick up your own promise card and promise planner!


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