How to Treat a Toothache at Home

A toothache is pain in and around the teeth and jaws. Tooth decay, an infection, loose or broken fillings, or receding gums can cause it.  

If the pain lasts for more than 1 or 2 days, it is best to see a dentist immediately to have it treated.    

Until then, the following simple remedies may provide temporary relief from the discomfort. 

1.  Cold Compress or Ice Pack

        A cold compress or an ice pack can help ease dental pain, especially if a toothache is due to injury            or swollen gums.
        Hold the ice pack against the outside of the cheek near the painful tooth for a few minutes at a                time.   The cold helps to numb the pain and reduce swelling and inflammation. 

2.  Rinse with Salt Water

Rinsing with warm salt water can reduce swelling, help healing and remove debris lodged in and around the teeth. 

Dissolve 1 tsp of salt in an 8 oz cup of very warm water and swish for 30 seconds.  This can be repeated as often as needed

3.  Clove Oil        Cloves have long been used for toothache pain as clove oil has been said to possess pain relief properties.  Cloves contain eugenol which is a compound that acts as a natural anesthetic.  Cloves also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterical properties which can help fight tooth and gum infections. 

Dip a small cotton ball into a solution of 1 drop of pure clove oil diluted in 1 teaspoon of olive oil (pure clove oil is very potent and should not be applied directly) Apply the cotton ball to the area affected by the painful tooth. 

Dried whole cloves can also be used.  Gently chew a whole clove to release its oil and hold in place against the affected tooth for up to 30 minutes. 

4.  Garlic   

Garlic has been used for medicinal purposes throughout history.  It contains a compound call allicin which gives it powerful antibacterial properties. 

A compress made with crushed fresh garlic and salt can be applied to the affected tooth. 

5.  Aloe Vera

Researchers have found that rinsing with aloe vera has proven to be just as effective as rinsing with mouthwash.  
Aloe vera gel, which can be found within the plant's leaves, has been used to heal burns and minor cuts.  Studies have shown that aloe vera has antibacterial qualities and can kill bacteria that cause tooth decay. 

Aloe vera gel can be applied to painful areas of the mouth and gently massaged

6. Peppermint

Peppermint has numbing properties that may help sooth a toothache.  Menthol, which gives peppermint its minty flavor and smell, is also known to be antibacterial. 

1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves can be put in a cup of boiling water and steeped for 20 minutes to make a tea.  After cooling the tea can be swished around in the mouth and either spit out or swallowed. 

A warm moist tea bag can also be held against the tooth for several minutes until the pain subsides.  

Peppermint oil on a cotton ball can also be used similar to clove oil by placing the cotton ball against the affected tooth. 

7.  Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Rinsing with  a hydrogen peroxide solution can help if a toothache is caused by an infection. Hydrogen peroxide is an effective antibacterial but should never be swallowed!

Mix equal parts 3% hydrogen peroxide and water and swish for 30 seconds.  The mouth should be rinsed several times with water after spitting.  Hydrogen peroxide is dangerous if swallowed so this method should NEVER be used for children.  

8.  Over the Counter Painkillers

Over -the-counter medication, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can provide temporary relief for a toothache.  Aspirin not be given to children under age 16.  

These medications work best when taken on a schedule, usually every 4-6 hours.  Ibuprofen and acetaminophen work differently inside the body and can be taken together to work most effectively on a short term basis.  

When to See the Dentist

The home remedies above are meant to provide temporary relief only!  It is important to seek immediate treatment from your dentist if a toothache lasts for more than a day or two. 

Dental pain can be a sign of a serious and sometimes life threatening  health condition. 

Best steps to prevent toothaches and other dental problems:
  • brush and floss twice a day
  • regular dental checkups with Dr Rhonda Krause, Loveland Family Dentistry
  • maintain good overall health as the mouth is connected to rest of the body!

Dr Krause loves to help patients avoide dental problems and toothaches!  She and her team can help get you out of pain and advise you as to how best to avoid future dental emergencies.  
Call us at Loveland Family Dentistry (970) 667-6101



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